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Delving Into The World Of Subterranean Arachnids

Burrowing Tarantulas: A Comprehensive Guide for Hobbyists

Delving into the World of Subterranean Arachnids

Burrowing tarantulas, also known as fossorial tarantulas, are fascinating creatures that have adapted to a life underground. They construct intricate burrows that provide them with shelter, protection from predators, and a stable microclimate. While not as common in the pet trade as terrestrial or arboreal species, burrowing tarantulas offer unique challenges and rewards for hobbyists.

Choosing the Right Enclosure

Providing an appropriate enclosure is crucial for the well-being of burrowing tarantulas. These species require deep substrate, typically at least 6 inches, to burrow and create their underground homes. Choosing a terrarium with sufficient height is also essential to accommodate the vertical burrows they construct.

Substrate Options

The substrate, the material that fills the terrarium, plays a vital role in providing stability and moisture for the burrow. Many keepers use a mixture of organic materials such as coconut coir, peat moss, or topsoil. These materials hold moisture without becoming waterlogged, providing a suitable environment for the tarantula.

Humidity Management

Burrowing tarantulas prefer humid environments to prevent dehydration. Regular misting of the substrate is recommended to maintain the desired humidity levels. Monitoring humidity can be achieved using a hygrometer, ensuring optimal conditions for the tarantula.

Feeding and Maintenance

Burrowing tarantulas are typically nocturnal and shy, spending most of their time underground. Feeding them live crickets or dubia roaches can be done once or twice a week. Water should be provided in a shallow dish placed outside the burrow, preventing the accumulation of moisture within the burrow.


Keeping burrowing tarantulas requires specialized knowledge and care. Providing an appropriate enclosure, ensuring proper substrate and humidity, and monitoring their feeding and activity are essential for their well-being. With patience and dedication, hobbyists can enjoy the unique experience of observing these fascinating creatures thrive in their subterranean world.
